With a successful career in PR and marketing, I have always been interested in people and what affects their behaviour. I decided to take this interest, and use my business and life experience, to help individuals to change their lives for the better.
I was awarded the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (with Distinction), from the College of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CCBT) in London. This qualification involved training in CBT, as well as hypnosis and counselling. Prior to that I also gained a qualification to practise as a coach (Newcastle College).
In my previous business career, I worked both in-house and for large London PR agencies before setting up my own consultancy. I have a BA (hons) in Sociology with Psychology from Nottingham University, and the professional Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma.
Professionally qualified and fully insured, I belong to several professional associations including the AREBT (Association of Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy) and the GHR (General Hypnosis Register). I have also worked as a volunteer therapist with the charity Anxiety UK, and as a course supervisor and tutor at the CCBT.
Additional specialist courses completed: CFT (Compassion Focused Therapy); ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy); Pain Management; Weight Management; Treating Panic Disorder; Solving Self Esteem Problems; Overcoming Insomnia.
You can also find me on…
Natural Therapy For All
General Hypnotherapy Register
Please also see my published articles on welldoing.org…
Is CBT the Right Therapy for You?
Insomnia: All in the Mind?
"I started seeing Louise at a point where my addictions and depression had removed my ability to see anything in a positive light. Her incredibly caring, gentle but effective approach has allowed me to find the strength and willpower needed to rebuild my self-esteem and enthusiasm for life. Each session with Louise builds on a strong foundation and the results are incredibly exciting. I just wish I had not found Louise so late in life - precious time would not have been wasted." GL